Beauty Secrets

How many times have you looked at yourself in the mirror and wished you could change a minor problem? To look even more beautiful. Here are five helpful & easy ways to achieve beauty secrets.
Skin lightener : Lighten elbow and knee areas by scrubbing lemon juice and sugar. The lemon has a bleaching effect and the sugar will exfoliate the dead cells.
Shiny Hair : hair mix fresh orange juice, water, 1 tablespoon Honey and any type of vegetable oil.
For plumper lips, Apply lipstick and lip-gloss. Add a dot of eye shadow in the center of your lips and blend carefully.
Dark circles : Tired looking people do not look attractive cover under eye circles with make up. Choose a color that matches your skin shade, avoid getting lighter shades.
Fake Tan : Get a tan without exposing your skin to harmful sun rays.

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